Legal notice

Name of Company
Toddlerz Day Nursery & Pre-school Nursery

Registered office
Crown Street 27
Kettering NN16 8QA


Contact details
Tel: 01536 218569


Regulatory Authority

Ofsted Registration No. EY482012


Memebers of the Pre-school Learning Alliance


Our Prospectus


About our Nursery


Toddlerz Nursery has been open since 5th January 2015.



Following a long period of many years running a Charity Based Pre-school, Jane & Colin Todd decided to open a commercially based setting to cater for the growing need and acute shortage of good quality Nursery provision offering places to both funded and non-funded children between the ages of 12 months & 4 years.


With our newly refurbished setting, equipped with a good sized outdoor play area, drawing upon the experiences of many of the staff with who we have been working with for a number of years we are confident that we will be able to provide your child or children with a stimulating, enjoyable learning environment that will give a firm early years foundation to your child’s development.


We are proud of our Outstanding Ofsted rating which we gained on our first ever inspection. Our areas are carefully planned to allow our children to express themselves fully and to learn through play and fun. Our highly qualified and dedicated staff work together as a fantastic team to give every child their maximum learning potential throughout their time with us.  planned to allow our children to express themselves fully and to learn through play and fun. Our highly qualified and dedicated staff work together as a fantastic team to give every child their maximum learning potential throughout their time with us.  planned to allow our children to express themselves fully and to learn through play and fun. Our highly qualified and dedicated staff work together as a fantastic team to give every child their maximum learning potential throughout their time with us.


Sessions are held Monday to Friday from 07:30 am – 5.30 pm (subject to availability)

Core hours for funding are between 9am-12 noon & 1pm & 4pm.


We offer a lunch club for children who stay all day at an additional charge which includes a hot meal.  We are open all year round for funded and non-funded children.


We also offer an out of school club from 7.30 am to 9 am and 4 pm to 5.30 pm at additional charges.  We are open all year round for funded and non-funded children.


Please ensure that a responsible adult collects your child, and that anybody other than yourself, who may be collecting your child, is known to the nursery staff.  There is a book that we ask you to sign should this arise and a password is needed.  You will also be asked for more details on this when your child starts nursery.



Settling in Nursery Policy


We want children to feel safe, stimulated and happy in the nursery and to feel secure and comfortable with staff.  We also want parents to have confidence in both their children’s wellbeing and their role as active partners with the nursery.


We aim to make the nursery a welcome place where children settle quickly and easily because consideration has been given to the individual needs and circumstances of children and their families.


  • Before a child starts to attend the nursery, we use a variety of ways to provide his/her parents with information.  These include written information (including our prospectus and policies), displays about nursery activities, information days and evenings and individual meetings with parents.
  • During the half-term before a child is enrolled, we provide opportunities for the child and his/her parents to visit the nursery.
  • We offer a home visit by the person who will be the child’s key person, to ensure all relevant information about the child can be made known.
  • We know that no parent wants to see their child upset at nursery so if they do not settle during the first hour on arriving at nursery, even with extra support from all our staff, we will contact their parents to come and collect them.  This may lead to a smaller amount of time for their first few days/weeks at nursery.  If a child is forced to attend while still unsettled this may make the child recent coming completely.  Our nursery is a fun and happy environment and we want all our children to enjoy coming to each session.  Our settling in method has worked very well in the past and helps them to settle in sooner.
  • We allocate a key person to each child and his/her family, before she/he starts to attend; the key person welcomes and looks after the child and his/her parents at the child’s first session.
  • We use pre-start visits and the first session at which a child attends to explain and complete with his/her parents the child’s registration records.
  • Within the first four weeks of starting we discuss and work with the child’s parents to create their child’s record of achievement.




If your child attends between the hours of 7.30am & 9am they will be provided with a breakfast consisting of cereals with milk and fruit or wholemeal toast and butter.


Morning Snack


We provide all children with a morning snack.  Snacks are varied and we aim to provide a healthy and balanced diet.  This will consist of fruit, vegetables, dairy products and sweet and savoury items.  A choice of milk and water will be given to children to drink.  Where there are any special dietary or religious requirements, a list should be provided of appropriate or alternative foods.  We can provide you with a list of snack foods we regularly offer during snack time. Each child in the session has their own snack card with their photo and name on, this helps children with recognition of their own name and the faces and names of other children attending the sessions.


Lunch Club


If your child attends the lunch time club between the hours of 12 noon & 1pm they will be provided with a hot meal.  Our menu is available on request and is also displayed on our parent notice board in the setting.  The menu is on a 2-week rota.  Vegetarian options are available at all times and if you prefer you may bring your child in with a packed lunch although the cost will remain the same for the hour.  Lunches are still charged for non-attendance.




Children are required to bring along nappies, wipes and nappy bags also a named bag with at least 2 changes of clothing, pants, socks, t-shirt, trousers/skirt etc. which should also have your child’s name on.  This bag can be left on their peg.  Please make sure that your child can manage the fastenings on the clothes that they are wearing to nursery, including shoes.  Enabling them to, for example go to the toilet with ease, as we are aiming towards independence.  If your child wears nappies or pull ups please provide these along with wipes in a bag on their peg. Please make sure you check their bag regularly so they do not run out of nappies, pull ups and wipes.

In the summer, please do not send your child in open-toed sandals, as they can be dangerous.  Also ensure that a sun hat is brought to nursery on hot days and apply sun cream before they attend for outdoor play and trips, will reapply factor 50 sun cream during the session/day if needed. In winter, they should arrive in a warm hat and gloves as we continue to use our outdoor area when possible.


Sweatshirts, t-shirts, P.E. and book bags are available to buy with the Toddlerz Nursery logo on in Teal. 



Sweatshirts              £12.50

T-shirts                     £10.50

Book Bags               £8.50

                                                                                        P.E. Bag                  £7.50


(These prices are subject to change.)



Learning Through Play


Your child will already have learnt a great deal by the time they join us at Toddlerz Nursery and it is our job to build on this.  The nursery curriculum is guided by the document ‘Curriculum Guidance for the Foundation Stage’ which is followed by LEA nurseries and school reception classes.  The document can be found in the Nursery setting, if you would like to view it.  The seven areas of learning in the statutory framework for early years foundation stages are: -


Three Prime Areas:                 Communication and Language

                                                Physical Development

                                                Personal, Social and Emotional Development


Four Specific Areas:                Literacy


                                                Understanding the World

                                                Expressive arts and design






If your child is unwell and is going to be absent for a couple of sessions, it is a requirement of funding that you let us know.

If your child becomes unwell during the session, we will contact the named parent as main carer (unless otherwise informed).  Therefore, it is very important to keep us informed of any changes to contact numbers.  We have an isolation procedure in place in cases of infectious illnesses.

If your child has an infectious illness such as chicken pox, please inform us and wait until they are no longer infectious before returning them to Nursery.  If your child has had sickness or diarrhoea, then you must allow 48 hours after the symptoms have stopped before allowing your child to return to the setting.  This prevents the spread of the virus being contracted by other children and adults.  Staff may administer prescribed medications.


In the case of inhalers for asthma, we will keep these on site in case of emergencies.  They will also be taken out on trips in a named bag.  Please speak to the manager or supervisor for more details.



Open Access to Records


The nursery operates a key worker system with each child having a nominated member of staff who helps them with settling into the nursery and who is also responsible for helping them with any specific difficulties.  This is done by observing

children and recording these findings.  Written observations are kept in each child’s folder, going home termly.  Parents can view their child’s folder at any time.


This staff member is also responsible for developing challenging yet achievable learning plans and sharing/exchanging information with parents.



Special Educational Needs


If your child is experiencing difficulty in learning, we will speak with you and invite you to meet our special needs coordinator.  A programme of support (Individual Education Plan) will be planned to meet your child’s development needs.



Head Lice


Could we please ask you to check your child’s hair on a regular basis for any signs of head lice and treat if necessary. There have been some cases of head lice within the group and we depend upon parents to check their children daily to ensure there are as few cases as possible.  Many thanks for your help in this matter.




Behaviour Management


Within our Nursery we expect children to show consideration for others and to behave in such a way that they do not jeopardise the safety of themselves and others.  For the safely of children and staff there may be occasions that we ask you to collect you child during the session.



Good behaviour is praised and encouraged.


Behaviour that is not acceptable within our environment will be dealt with accordingly, taking into consideration the individual child’s age, development and understanding.  Should your child consistently behave inappropriately, your help and advice will be sought.




Safeguarding of Children


We at Toddlerz Nursery have set procedures that are followed when considering the safeguarding  of children.  Under the guidance of the Child Safeguarding Agency, we will take the appropriate course of action when an issue relating to the safeguarding  of a child is raised.  Further details can be found in our Child Safeguarding Policy.





We monitor children and staff ratios daily so that there is always the correct number of staff in the setting.  We always have at least 1 extra staff member in the setting to allow extra care within our nursery.  All our staff are qualified and experienced in working with children.  Additional members of staff may be brought in to work along-side children with special educational needs.  All staff are DBS checked.  We offer apprenticeships as an addition to our team approximately once a year.



Equal Opportunities


The aim of the nursery is to offer the children the opportunity to express and develop freely, regardless of their ability, background, age, race or gender, and to provide a safe, enjoyable and stimulating environment that can reflect on the children’s cultural backgrounds and interests.




You can submit registration forms at any time and this will be added to our waiting list accordingly.  We cannot guarantee your child will be offered a place as we DO NOT work on a first come/first served basis.  Our policy states we offer sessions to children in birth order, oldest to youngest.


We are able to accept children from the age of 12 months to 4 years 11 months in our nursery and from 12 months to 8 years in our out of school and holiday clubs. 


We accept childcare vouchers from a variety of companies which can be used for out of school and holiday clubs as well as normal sessions.


For more information on our admissions policy, please speak to the settings supervisor.



Outdoor Play and Trips


We make sure our children have the opportunity to play outside in our play area every day.  (Please provide a warn coat in the winter and a sun hat in the summer).


 We also occasionally organize trips which include visits to the local Zoo, Farm, Country Parks, Wicksteed Park, garden centres and Shops.


Our outdoor area consists of a large pirate ship with a sandpit, outdoor play equipment, climbing frame and climbing wall, toys and planting tubs where the children can plant seeds, so they learn how things grow from a tiny seed to something we can pick and bring into nursery and eat for snack.  We also have an allotment which we frequently take the children to, where they can enjoy the use of a mud kitchen, our wild flower and vegetable patch along with play equipment.





Fees are payable weekly or half-termly in advance at the current rate of £15.50 per session for 3 year old children and £6.00 per hour for children from 12 months to 2 years.  Fees are payable weekly in advance for all payable sessions.  You may also pay for each session that your child attends if this in more convenient.   Parents will receive written notification, in advance, of any increases.  Statement are sent our weekly to keep our records up to date and not to allow fees to become in arrears.


Funded children do not need to pay for snack as this is included in the government funding received for 2- and 3-year olds. 


We ask that you are on time to pick up your child, as staff need to clear up and prepare the room for the next session and also assist the children staying for lunch.  If you are late, there will be a minimum of £5.00 charge for every 5 minutes to allow staff to stay later.


Fees must be paid on your child’s first session of the week.  Cheques are accepted, made payable to ‘Toddlerz Nursery’ and supported by a valid cheque guarantee card.  Our preferred way to receive fee payments is through our bank.


Four weeks paid notice will be required if your child will be leaving us.  To ensure your child’s place remains open if you go on holiday, 50% of absences must be paid for on the session/s they normally attend.  We require written notice of holidays by email stating the dates they will be absent from nursery and a return date must be given.  All other absences must be paid for in full.  If the nursery is closed due to no fault of the setting then fees will still be due. 


The nursery is open for your convenience throughout the year.  We only close for a week between Christmas and New Year and bank holidays.  Staff training is paramount so there will be 5 additional training days throughout the year which will be announced at the beginning of the academic year.  There is always a list of these dates on our notice board for you to refer to.  If you choose not to bring your child during the school holidays the session charge is still payable for all sessions your child attends.  The fee for lunch will be deducted as long as we are notified in advance.


You will receive a statement at the beginning of every week stating your fee balance.  Fees need to be paid in full before the beginning of the new term.   Please be sure to settle your account on a weekly basis.


Anyone who falls more than two weeks in arrears will unfortunately relinquish their place, as we cannot subsidise non-payment, and this will mean that your child will be refused admission to any non-funded sessions.  You will then receive a maximum of 2 reminder letters and if there is no response, we will pursue the matter through the small claims court.  However, we would stress that should you have any difficulty with payment of fees, then please speak to the supervisor who may be able to help.


Grant Funding


Grant funding is available for all 3 years children.  30 hour funding is also available to some 3 year old children.  If you require help regarding 30 hour funding please see a member of staff.  Staff will let you know when forms need to be completed for your child.  A birth certificate and letter stating the postcode where the child resides must be shown.


We also take 2 year funded children.  To check if your child is eligible for this please visit Northampton County Council web site or see a member of staff for help.



Revised July 2020

Revised May 2022

Reviewed Annually




SEF Completed Form.doc
Microsoft Word document [521.0 KB]
Safeguarding Policy
Safeguarding Children Policy.docx
Microsoft Word document [72.5 KB]







From April 2024, working parents of 2-year-olds will be able to access 15 hours childcare support.

From September 2024, 15 hours childcare support will be extended to working parents of children from the age of 9 months to 3-year-olds.

From September 2025, working parents of children under the age of 5 will be entitled to 30 hours of childcare a week.

Like the existing offer, these hours can be used over 38 weeks of the year (during school term time), or up to 52 weeks if you use fewer than your total hours per week. 

Nurseries will be in high demand for the new funding expansion so register your child now to avoid disapointment. 

Our waiting list is now open for September 2024.


From April 2024 a registration fee of £12.50 will be introduced to reserve your child's nursery place, this includes a free  t-shirt given on their start date.

In order to reach us:

Toddlerz Day Nursery/Pre-school

Behind 27
27 Crown Street 

NN16 8QA

You can call us on:

01536 218569

You can email us on:


Snacks & Lunches

All our snacks & lunches are prepared fresh daily & consist of healthy ingredients.  Vegetarian options at every meal time.

A fresh fruit platter is available at all times.

We register children from 12 months old.  Please call to add your child to our waiting list.

Click on the link below to view our FaceBook page:

Free Government Funding for your 2 year old child? 

You don't know till you try!

30 Hour Funding for your 3 year old child? 

You don't know till you try!

Our Sensory Room

Our reading corner

Messy Play 

Outdoor Play

Pond Dipping 

Our Under 2s Area 

Books are a very important part of our daily activities

We have an access control system in place for added security and parent/carer peace of mind.

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© Toddlerz Daycare Nursery